You’ve heard it as “the Creamy Crack,” a Perm, and its many other nicknames. Even with its proper name, Hair Relaxer, this chemically-altering product has been part of the culture for over a century… Leaving many to wonder the long-term affects, I decided to investigate the truth about how closely linked relaxers and breast cancer actually are.
Hair Tips
Are you in need of a new hair product brand? Looking to sub out your tried and trues in favor…
Please, just do it. Out of all of the many different things you’ll try/have tried in life, why not this one?
So you might’ve heard over the summer about a lawsuit filed against OGX Beauty. If you don’t know this brand, you might know the scents. As far as I can remember, many Black Women would swear by the Moroccan Argan Oil and Coconut Milk (pictured above) shampoos and conditioners….