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Wavie of the Month: Tiana


Name: Tiana mason

Social Media Handle(s)

Tiktok/instagram: @electric_waver

How long have you been a Wavie for? 15 years

Who or what inspired you to start waving? Please include their @ name if possible! My brothers!

What made you decide to start your wave journey? Long hair was always a hassle for me

Did you prepare yourself for this new journey? YouTube!!!

Did you have any fears or doubts about waving? If so, what were they? I didn’t think I’d have the head shape for it

What are some hair products you use to keep those waves right? (Get as specific as you can!) Coconut oil, tea tree oil, castor oil

How did it feel when you first started seeing progress? Ecstatic!

Has waving helped your self-confidence in any way? Of course! It’s empowering!

Was/Is there anything significant about starting your wave journey? Did it symbolize anything to you? Of course! It was all about ME showing the world who I really am!

Speak to the Wavie who’s starting out on their wave journey. What advice do you have for them? BRUSH BRUSH BRUSH!

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