Wavie of the Month: Sabrina




HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A WAVIE FOR? Two years and two months!

WHO INSPIRED YOU TO START WAVING? No one really. I just started to wave on my own.

WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO BEGIN YOUR WAVE JOURNEY? It all started on December 31, 2018 when I decided to cut all my hair off due to color damage. It was so bad, my curl pattern wasn’t there anymore. Earlier that year, I shaved my sides and back [of my head] so all I had was the top.

I went to the barbershop on New Year’s Eve and told the Barber to cut it all off. “Let me start over!” I honestly just wanted it cut low enough so I could rock a little bit of curls. Instead, he cut it all the way down.

Though I never wanted short hair! My hair had never been this short before. I’ve always had thick, long hair since I was a child. But somehow along the way, I was only identified as “the big girl Sabrina with long hair. She’s cute in the face, though.” So I had to change that narrative.

I’m a Plus-sized model, so when I decided to cut my hair off I had plans to let it GROW! Until then, I’d keep it low with some curls. I didn’t know what to do with the cut besides brushing my hair. So that’s what I did, and my hair started waving. My barber was like, “I see your little waves are coming in.” I said, “yeah but I have no clue what to do.” He then told me to YouTube waves, and that’s how I learned.

A few guys I knew added me to the wave pages on Facebook, and I got tips from there too. The rest is history! No one brushed my hair for me or anything of that nature. Even the times I asked, I would get replies like “No….you wanted a boy style, now learn on your own…” Well I did and now I’m spinning harder than most of these dudes! 

How did you prepare yourself for this new journey? I had a plan. Told myself I would make sure I kept my hair neat, and I put extra effort in my appearance because I didn’t have longer hair anymore.

Did you have any fears or doubts about waving? if so what were they? Yes! I didn’t know how my head was shaped or if I’d look good. I thought my face was too fat to wear this style.

What are some products you use to keep those waves right? I only use Royal Hair Care products! My hair loves them, and they’re affordable!

has waving helped your confidence in any way? OMG Yes! I am definitely 1000% more confident especially on the runways and at photo shoots! Just in general period!

was/is there anything significant about starting your wave journey? did it symbolize anything to you? It helped me to create my brand QueenBWavin!

what is one thing that you’d tell a wavywmn who is just starting out on their wave journey? Don’t give up!! Don’t let no man stop you from doing whatever you want to do in life! Having waves can open a lot of doors for you just like me!

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