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Wavie of the Month: Splash Cantrelle


Name: Splash Cantrelle

Social Handle(s):

Instagram: @splashcantrelle_  Facebook: Splash Cantrelle

How long have you been a Wavie for? THREE YEARS, BUT I’VE NEVER COMPLETED A PATTERN.

Who inspired you to start waving? Please include their @ name if possible! @360JEEZY @THEBALDIEBABE  ZSA ZSA GABOR 

What made you decide to start your wave journey? I COULDN’T MANAGE DOING BOTH MY HAIR & MY DAUGHTER’S HAIR.

How did you prepare yourself for this new journey? I WATCHED 360 JEEZY VIDEOS FOR ABOUT TWO DAYS STRAIGHT

Did you have any fears or doubts about waving? If so, what were they?NEVER. I’M VERY IMPULSIVE LOL

How did you feel when you first started seeing progress? I FELT HAPPY BECAUSE NOT ONLY DID I SEE IT, OTHERS WERE SEEING MY PROGRESS AS WELL. 

Has waving helped your self-confidence in any way? DEFINITELY. I’VE HAD LONG HAIR ALL MY LIFE. BUT WHEN I CUT MY HAIR, I FELT CAREFREE!

Was/Is there anything significant about starting your wave journey? Did it symbolize anything to you? IT DOESN’T SYMBOLIZE ANYTHING TO ME. HOWEVER, I’VE LEARNED SO MUCH SINCE I BECAME A WAVER. 

What is one thing you would tell a Wavy WMN who is just starting out on their wave journey? Be patient. The waves will come, you just have to put the work in.

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