Wanted to do something different with my hair and not a lot of women were in this “Wave”!
How did you prepare yourself for this new journey?
Developed a lot of Patience.
Did you have any fears or doubts about waving? If so, what were they?
Not at all!
What are some hair products you use to keep those waves right?
Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Conditioner!
How did you feel when you first started seeing progress?
I felt accomplished because I knew it was only the beginning!
Has waving helped your self-confidence in any way?
Having waves definitely gave me a different look and vibe to myself. I wouldn’t be Dani with the Waves without ’em!
What is one thing you would tell a WavyWMN who is just starting out on their wave journey?
Let’s do this for the culture. Stay positive, do your wash and styles and continue to brush! Women with waves give a different look, plus it’s sexy and confident! Wear those waves!
Nobody could tell me ANYTHING! It definitely motivated me to keep going to work towards getting 360 waves because I only had them in the front at first.